Frequently asked LDN questions

Refer to this section first and frequently, most of your question regarding your LDN therapy should be found here

LDN is different, in many incredible special ways…. Understanding its differences is the key to success

  • LDN has very unique and far reaching clinical actions; unlike the vast majority of todays medications that are prescribed to manage symptoms. As mentioned prior, LDN has positive autoimmune, pain, anti-inflammatory, dermatologic, gastro-intestinal, and mental health effects.

    The beneficial broad range of effects that LDN creates in the body is essentially due to the downstream effects of its partial opioid receptor blockade. This blockade substantially elevates the bodies own endogenous endorphin and enkephalin levels.

    It is both of these neurotransmitters/messengers that have significant and far reaching effects on leveling pain, the immune system and managing inflammation, and enhancing some communications with the endocrine system, and brain/mental health.

  • There is no concrete target dose of LDN. We have no idea what any individuals most effective dose is. Proper dosing of LDN to achieve the most favorable clinical outcomes is an extremely personalized process, requiring an educated and knowledgeable practitioner and compounding pharmacist.

    There are many factors that must be considered, and the dosing schedule must be actively monitored and adjusted to assist determining the patients ideal dosage.

  • Typically side effects are an indication that the current dose being taken is currently excessive; it is recommended to lower your LDN dose to a level that is tolerated.

  • Something to consider with patients taking other drugs with LDN; it may be necessary to adjust (lower) the dosage of the other medications, and even possibly discontinue at some point. As LDN’s positive clinical effects are occurring over time, as inflammation and pain are reduced, as mental health is improved; there may be a reduced need for the patients other prescribed medications. The side effects that are now present , could possibly be due to the now excess, no longer needed action of the originally prescribed medications.

  • There is no contra-indication to having a drink with LDN, some may find it lowers their alcohol toleration to a degree. Many will notice that LDN will lower their cravings for alcohol.

  • LDN can be taken without regard to food or meals.

  • There’s not an easy answer to this; the proper dose for any person is very individualized; the process to achieve any persons most beneficial dose is multi-factorial. Working with a knowledgeable LDN practitioner and compounding pharmacist is essential to help guide you to your most clinically effective dose.

  • Historically, it was recommended to take the LDN dose at bedtime. That no longer is an absolute recommendation; some of the newly evolving dosing protocols involve 2 or 3 times daily dosing. There is new research that dosing in the morning can have desirable effects in certain people and clinical conditions. Discuss with your practitioner.

  • blocks toll-like receptor 4, which are found on macrophages such as microganglia

    therefore LDN suppresses the inflammatory compounds , tumor necrosis -alpha and IL-6, that are contained in the macrophages

    reduces glial cell activation

    which down regulates and reduces inflammatory cytokine release

    promotes reduction of neuro-inflammation

    down regulates oncogene expression

    modulates T & B Lymphocyte production (gastrointestinal inflammation)

    reduces a range of inflammatory cytokines ; including IL-6, Il-12, Tumor necrosis factor -alpha

    suppresses tumor growth factor – NF-kB

    serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitter effects

  • As with almost all medications, there is not a one-size-fits-all dose. The most successful dosing strategies and protocols of LDN for individual patients are those that can be tailored by working with knowledgeable practitioners and compounding pharmacists. There is new, evolving knowledge and understanding of different effects of LDN at different dosing levels.

  • Typically the side effects experienced with LDN are very minimal and temporary, due to the initial effects of LDN on the immune system. Some may notice a little nausea or queasiness and some may have their sleep disturbed or have vivid dreams. These effects can be lessened by starting with lower doses, and normally are short lived and subside fairly early during treatment.

    Some patients may experience negative effects later on during LDN therapy with a dosage increase; when the practitioner is attempting to achieve a better outcome than the current dose. This typically is indicator that the dosage adjustment is excessive at this point in the therapy, and a lower dose should be used.

  • As the most successful dosing for an individual person can vary, the duration of LDN therapy necessary for positive results has many variables and can vary from literally just days to many months. Achieving the proper dosage is the most significant factor in the successful clinical outcomes for any patient for any health condition.

    Once again, a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner and compounding pharmacist can work together with each individual person to find their most successful path to improving their health.

    We can share our experience for a couple of clinical conditions. Follow ups with current patients have revealed what we feel are pretty remarkable results; within one month roughly 70+% of those starting at lower doses of LDN are noting positive improvements in mental health (mood, anxiety) and energy.

    Some individuals begin to experience some improvements in pain and inflammation within the first month or two. Achieving a greater relief in symptoms may be an element of further dosage adjustments and/or time.

    Some literature has shown that conditions of chronic pain, gastrointestinal (crohns or ulcerative colitis), and dermatology may require 4 to 6 months of therapy or more, up to even a year, for more significant effects. Some noticeable positive changes in condition could gradually start occurring earlier in therapy.

  • Core:

    Vitamin D 5,000- 10,000U Units daily

    Probiotics, broad spectrum multi-strain

    Omega 3 Fish Oil

    Additional (depending on condition):

    CBD Oil




    Vitamin C

  • Many prescribing practitioners and LDN researchers firmly believe that broad range of beneficial actions of LDN on the immune system and inflammation would warrant using LDN as a preventative measure. Particularly as most of the disease states that afflict our population today have an underlying inflammatory component. The thought process being “why wait” until the inflammatory process progresses to a problematic state and only then begin fighting the uphill battle in attempt to reverse it.

  • Currently there are over 1200 PubMed studies/research articles emphasizing the use of LDN in over 150 clinical conditions, with new research being published monthly. A couple of good websites containing links to much of this data include and

    Even with the successes that many of these studies have proven, their successful outcomes are limited in scope as the scientific protocols for medication studies require a single dose for all participants in the study to compare to the placebo control group. This limits the potential positive outcomes for many of the participants in the study as the dosage strength utilized may not be their effective dose.

  • Yes, LDN can be and is prescribed in the veterinary field.

  • This is not uncommon when a patient begins their LDN prescription, there could be a few reasons behind this issue. The usual recommendation is to lower the dose to a tolerable level and then only increase dose as tolerated.

  • LDN could possibly have some positive effect on these issues. Naltexone is prescribed in certain alcohol addiction protocols, and is found in a commercially manufactured weight loss medication

  • Be patient , there are a number of factors that could be involved. Most importantly, know there isno exact target dose of LDN for patients, the effective dose for any person is very individualized.

    A dosage adjustment may be required , for some people a lower dose may be the answer. The other important factor (along the the correct dose) is time; for some clinical conditions it may take 6 to 9 months of LDN therapy to achieve the desired results.

  • Yes, LDN can be compounded into a liquid form, and accurately measured with oral syringes, as it’s extremely important to receive an exact dose.

  • That decision would be left to your medical practitioner; LDN can be compounded in either a topical cream or oral capsule or liquid.

  • Although the side effect profile of LDN is very limited, and as no medication is completely without adverse effects; we would recommend starting at a very low conservative dose and very slowly and gradually increase the dosage as necessary for desirable clinical outcomes.

  • There are practitioners prescribing LDN for individuals with autism related conditions; there is research highlighting its use.

  • Vivid dreams do occur in a smaller percent of those beginning LDN therapy and for many, these dreams resolve on their own. Some find that by taking the LDN earlier in the day, that

  • LDN is prescribed for inflammatory , autoimmune conditions; and as many (most) dermatologic disorders are certainly inflammatory, if not autoimmune in origin; LDN would appear to be a worthwhile treatment to consider. There is research available to support.

  • For many, the combination of LDN and CBD could work together synergistically Cannaboid pathways and opioid pathways intersect

  • For most, the anti-inflammatory actions of omega 3 through eccocanoid pathways would benefit most conditions.

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