Why choose from
Our Network of Providers?

The medical practitioners associated with The LDN Provider Network recognize there is not a standardized one-size-fits-all approach to pursuing optimal health and well-being.

  • Specific needs — Our community of providers understand each person has individual needs and concerns to address.

  • Personal Dose — Every persons physical, mental, and emotional makeup is uniquely different; therefore it follows that your medication needs (LDN dose) should be personalized to match and reflect your individual nature.

  • Compounding Pharmacies — By teaming up with an experienced compounding pharmacy, our network of providers are able to customize the LDN therapy of each and every patient to their specific clinical picture. 


Our network medical providers, after years of prescribing LDN and collectively having helped tens of thousands of patients, share the following three basic principles that have evolved for achieving successful clinical outcomes with LDN therapy:

  • Dose titration—Start each individual LDN dosing low and slowly taper upward until reaching positive patient clinical outcomes. There is no standard, target dose, it takes some thought and patience.

  • Follow-up—Regular, routine follow-ups are absolutely necessary, making dosage adjustments as needed per the patients clinical presentation. Your most effective LDN dose cannot be guessed; help us help you find it.

  • Intuitive Symptom Tracking—Your LDN dosing and necessary adjustments are based off the symptoms you are experiencing. You will be recording and tracking your particular troublesome issues on the Clinical Symptoms Sheet that is provided at the beginning your journey.

    **The Symptom Sheet is a key tool to assist patients in tracking their clinical symptoms—allowing you to intuitively check-in, record, monitor, and communicate the progress of your problematic symptoms. Routine and consistent communication with your providers is essential in finding your optimal, personalized dose. You will track your symptoms using a scale of 0 to 5; with 5 being severe.


Our LDN community of dedicated medical practitioners and compounding pharmacists promise an unwavering commitment to improving your health through:

  • Communication — Productive communications leads to successful health outcomes

  • Teamwork — We take a team-oriented approach

  • YOUR Clinical Success — We strive to help you regain some semblance of your health and life back

Consistent, productive communications between you, your provider, and the compounding pharmacist is critical in achieving and maintaining successful health outcomes. It’s likely that you will experience a much more team-orientated relationship with our network practitioners and compounding pharmacists; as they realize better clinical progress occurs when utilizing a more “hands on” approach.


A patient receiving LDN therapy may start experiencing some relief of different symptoms at various stages of the treatment; it is uniquely dependent on the individual person and their particular clinical conditions(s). Some patients may begin noticing some improvements in certain symptoms within weeks, or even days after starting, but may require several months to a year until some significant resolution occurs in their other more severe symptoms. Our practitioners have worked with many thousands of patients and have seen first-hand the life-altering changes that properly dosed LDN can create.

Have patience, It can take time—Please know that it may take months to taper to and discover your ideal dose and positive benefits appear, but once achieved, many individuals claim the results to be life-changing. We ask that everyone commit themselves to at least six months of personalized LDN treatment. Typically, most people will begin to notice minor, positive clinical changes along the way, providing them with the understanding and hope that their journey is progressing in the right direction, and they are legitimately on the path to better health.

IMPORTANT: In the past, many patients started LDN at a higher standardized 1.5mg, 3mg, or 4.5mg dose; without a successful outcome and/or side effects. You may have been one of them.

Hope still remains.
We believe the lack of positive response with higher standardized doses was due to an incorrect dose or insufficient treatment time. We are here to walk with you, to find your individual, personalized dose.

With practitioners now having access to current evolving knowledge, new research, and having more experience; patients are now having greater successes with the latest, most recent dosing strategies—starting at lower strength doses and slowly titrating upward to their successful optimal, personalized dose.

Through their clinical experience prescribing customized LDN dosing for multitudes of different patients with diverse clinical conditions over the years; our community of providers truly feel that properly dosed LDN potentially has the ability to benefit the majority of patients in some fashion.